Welcome to my Art-Blog!

I am currently studying a Fine Art HND with Birmingham City University. Here you will find a collection of my HND work and my personal projects. I love making art and I hope you will enjoy the range of work I have to offer! =D

Platty X

Sunday 24 April 2011


I had a bit of a play around with my digital SLR (Fujifilm FinePix S9500) the other night whilst listening to Keaton Henson. It would be fair to say that, beautiful as I find his music, it's a little on the melancholy side.

I found myself feeling rather sad whilst listening to 'Charon' in particular and decided to reflect the song through these images. I played around with the exposure/aperture settings.
I then tidied up the images on photoshop.

'And I don't feel well, Oh can't you tell from the way I touch my face?'

Check out the video:

- A beautiful song and video =)

Monday 18 April 2011


This started out as a charcoal drawing of Twiggy...
It would appear I got somewhat carried away...


Thursday 14 April 2011

The Lady

I was bored on a sunny afternoon at the start of my Easter holidays, so I sat in the garden and practiced drawing faces (something I've not been particularly successful with in the past!) I started off by drawing a model from an advertisement in 'Stylist Magazine', in order to get the basic features right. After that, I let my imagination and hands run wild. I'm quite pleased with the result! My drawing has definitely improved! =D


I have a life-long obsession with Trees. I find the forms that they take both beautiful and intriguing. I often take long walks and photograph the trees that I find along the way.


Titian " The Three Ages Of Man" Modern Interpretation

For my first assessed project for the Fine Art module of the HND, I was instructed to find a Renaissance painting and transpose it into a modern context.

I chose to work on Titians' "The Three Ages Of Man"

I found the couple in this painting particularly interesting. The body language between them and how it represented the relationship between men and women in the time of Titian, in contrast to how we perceive the relationship between men and women in this day and age.

In Titians time, the role of the female was to be shy, demure and follow the males lead. This can be clearly observed in Titians depiction. Whereas, nowadays I believe that the gender roles have not only become more equal, but infact in many cases, we now find that women are the more dominant of the two sexes when it comes to the pursuit of relationships/sex. This, of course, is not true for every given case, but it is definitely an accepted norm in our modern society.